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Apex Fun Run Fundraiser Company Review For 2023

apex fun run review
Apex Fun Run Fundraisers promote fitness and leadership skills while raising funds. Learn if it might be right for your school here.

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Apex Fun Run Fundraisers are an easy way to raise funds while instilling leadership skills and promoting fitness among your students. 

With more than 3 million students served and over $80 million raised for 5,000 schools in 32 states, Apex Fun Runs have proven to be a successful way to raise funds for schools across the country. 

So, let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of using Apex Fun Runs for your school fundraiser.

That way, you can decide if Apex is right for you, or if you should check out some other fun run companies.

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Table of Contents

Why Choose Apex Fun Runs?

Apex Fun Runs are great school fundraisers promoting fitness and leadership among your students. 

The program combines education, fitness, leadership, and fundraising in a unique school fun run event that helps build and empower the leaders of tomorrow. 

Better yet, you get to raise donations for your school at the same time!. 

The Apex Fun Run is hassle-free, making it easy for busy volunteers to raise funds without spending too much time and effort. 

The online platform is advanced and easy to use, making it simple for schools to maximize their money-raising efforts.

Apex Fun Run Reviews

Apex Fun Runs has received a lot of glowing reviews from people who worked with them.

Below are some examples:

The Apex Leadership program was such a great fundraiser. The leadership skills the kids learned, the exercise we got, positive atmosphere, and money we earned. Thank you so much for bringing them to us, and for all of your hard work.

-Teacher, Weyerhaueser Elementary

I was very impressed by the character education and positive energy. I like that your leadership lessons were delivered by the team members. It made them much more personal, and having the team in classrooms was much better. Plus, the teachers loved it so much more!

-Michael Lamp, Kyrene Milenio Principal

Favorite part was the in classroom lessons. I overheard a lot of parents and kids say that this was the most fun program they’ve done so we’re definitely looking forward to next year!

-MaryBeth Van Sickle, Nelson Elementary PTA President

Pros of Apex Fun Runs

The Apex Fun Run Fundraiser is an exciting way to raise funds for your school while promoting fitness, leadership, and inclusivity among your students. 

They’ve been successful in raising funds for thousands of schools across the country, and there are lots of benefits to using this program for your own school fundraiser. 

In this section, we’ll explore the pros of using Apex Fun Runs and why they’re a popular choice for schools looking to raise funds and promote student development.

1. Fitness Focused

Apex Fun Runs promote fitness among students by encouraging them to run laps and race for the event. 

Most students end up running roughly 26-36 laps, promoting fitness and healthy habits among students. 

The program also includes an MC who takes the students through a fun, upbeat mix of running and exercises, including age-appropriate music.

Overall, it creates an enjoyable experience for everyone involved!

2. Leadership Development

The Apex Fun Run program is designed to teach PBIS-based leadership lessons to students. 

The program combines fitness, fundraising, and leadership into a powerful event that builds your students’ characters. 

The program helps empower the leaders of tomorrow by instilling leadership skills in students. 

Additionally, Apex Leadership Co. provides a team of athletes who do the heavy lifting of handling the fundraising run. This team also teaches the students leadership skills through a series of lessons during the program.

3. Hassle-Free

Apex Fun Runs make it easy for busy volunteers to raise funds without spending too much time and effort. 

The program is managed by the Apex Leadership Co. team, which means schools can focus on promoting the fundraiser and let Apex take care of everything else.

4. All Students Included

Apex Fun Runs are designed to include all students, regardless of their fitness level or ability. 

The program is inclusive and encourages all students to participate, promoting teamwork and inclusivity among students. 

Apex Leadership Co. provides team members and team leaders who are dedicated to building leaders and changing lives.

5. Raises 70% More than Other Fundraisers

Apex Fun Runs have proven to be a successful way to raise funds for schools. 

According to their website, the program raises 70% more than other fundraisers. This makes it an excellent choice for schools looking to raise lots of funds. 

With over 3 million students served and more than $80 million raised for 5,000 schools in 32 states, the Apex Fun Run is a reliable way to raise funds for your school.

6. Local Teams

Apex’s local teams are dedicated to serving the teachers and ensuring students are safe, respectful, and responsible. 

The team is also available to build relationships with the students and promote the event during the two-week program.

7. Variety Of Fun Run Themes

One more great thing about Apex is that they offer multiple different Fun Run Themes for your event.

In addition to to the normal Fun Run, they also give you the opportunity to host:

  • Virtual Run
  • Glow Run
  • Obstacle Course
  • Remix Glow Fitness Party
  • Color Runs/Color Battles

Cons of Apex Fun Runs

One of the only potential downsides to working with Apex Fun Runs is that you may have limited control over your event.

While the Apex Fun Run program is designed to be hassle-free, some schools may feel like they lack control over the fundraising process. That’s because the program is handled almost entirely by Apex Leadership Co. 

For example, schools may not be able to decide how the fundraiser is promoted, or they may lack the ability to customize certain aspects of the program.

Is Apex Fun Runs Right for Your Fundraiser?

Ready To Run A Fundraiser?

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Apex Fun Run Fundraisers are easy to use, making them an excellent choice for busy volunteers. 

While some schools may feel like they lack some control over the fundraising process, they’re an excellent option for schools looking to raise funds while promoting fitness and leadership. 

However, keep in mind that there are lots of choices to explore when deciding which Fun Run company or platform to work with.

If you’re ready to organize your own fun run, fill out this form and we’ll help you get started!

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volunteers celebrating a fundraiser